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Wildflower Meadows & Nature-based Climate Change Adaptation

Have you heard about the Highland Wildflower Meadow Mosaic? Led by the High Life Highland Rangers, the project has already created over 50 new small meadow sites across Highland. Wildflower meadows are a great example of nature-based climate change adaptation. NatureScot defines nature-based solutions as those which "use nature to help tackle environmental and social challenges, providing benefits to people and nature, and help us to mitigate and adapt to climate change." Here are three ways that wildflower meadows can contribute to climate resilience in Highland:

1. Biodiversity Conservation: Wildflower meadows support a diverse range of plant species, which in turn provide habitats and food sources for various animals, including pollinators like bees and butterflies. By promoting biodiversity, these meadows help maintain resilient ecosystems, which are better able to adapt to changing climatic conditions. (read more: Forest Research)

2. Flood Management: The dense root systems of wildflowers help increase soil infiltration and water retention capacity, reducing the risk of flooding and soil erosion. This is particularly important as climate change can lead to more intense rainfall events and increased runoff. (read more: WWF)

3. Soil Health and Resilience: Wildflower meadows promote soil health by enhancing organic matter content, nutrient cycling, and soil structure. As mentioned above, healthy soils are better able to withstand climate-related challenges such as droughts or heavy rainfall. Improved soil health also increases the availability of water and nutrients for plant growth, contributing to the overall resilience of the ecosystem. (read more: UKGov)

Senior HLH Countryside Ranger Andy Summers has already seen these qualities demonstrated by the Highland Wildflower Meadow Mosaic. According to Andy, “After this 2023 spring drought, we’ve really noticed the water retention properties of wildflower meadows. The mown short grass is yellow and parched but there is still green in the longer grass.”

Have you ever used any nature-based solutions to address weather and climate impacts in your personal or professional life? If yes, we'd love to hear more. Share your stories here.

Eager to get involved in the Meadow Mosaic? Click here to learn more about the Highland Wildflower Meadow Mosaic project. Click here for a list of upcoming meadow events. Click here to view a map of the meadows across Highland. Interested in learning more about creating a wildflower meadow on your own property? Check out this guide from Plantlife.

Ladybird on Yellow Rattle Seed, image credit: High Life Highland Countryside Rangers

Posted on 6th July 2023

by Highland Adapts